Indian carmaker Tata Motors gave the world its cheapest car in the form of Nano. The Tata Nano is a city car manufactured and sold in India, the Nano was initially launched with a price tag of Rs 100,000 = U$2500 which was ultimately increased with time. Designed to lure India's burgeoning middle classes away from two-wheelers, it received much publicity.
This is a benchmark in engineering and has very basic features. The car gives excellent fuel economy and has a very efficient engine. The car offers a rear-wheel drive with its two cylinders 623 cc engine offering 33ps power. The engine is a multi-fuel injection petrol type. It is the first time the car is using a two-cylinder gasoline engine along with a balance shaft added to it.
Tata Nano has features such as crumple zones, intrusion-resistant doors, seat belts, strong seats, anchorages, rear tailgate glass attached to the body of the car and tubeless tyres.
Currently the car is priced between Rs 1,15,361 - Rs 1,72,361 (ex-showroom, New Delhi).
There was much controversy related to its initial plan of manufacturing the car from Singur, a rural area of West Bengal. Tata Motors announced in 2006 that the Nano would be manufactured in Singur, West Bengal. Local farmers, along with a political party soon began protesting the forced acquisition of their land the new factory entailed. Tata first delayed the Nano launch and later decided to build the car in a different state, Gujarat, instead.
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